February 7 - May 19, 2024 - Guest curator: Jordanna George
XIÁM combines traditional storytelling and the contemporary medium of comics through the work of 5 Indigenous artists, Jordanna George (T’sou-ke), Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas (Haida), Gord Hill (Kwakwaka’wakw), Whess Harman (Carrier Wit’at), and Cole Pauls (Tahltan).
While comics have only recently begun to be widely seen as a sophisticated form of art and literature, they have a long history of acting as a tool for people on the fringes of society to share education, news, lived experiences, opinions, or a much-needed laugh.
The artists featured in this exhibition come from a range of backgrounds across the Northwest Coast and offer an array of interpretations in the medium of comics. It includes both traditionally drawn works alongside digital pieces, both English and native languages, humour and drama.
XIÁM in the SENĆOŦEN language means “to tell stories, specifically fictional or traditional stories”.
Visit Us
We are located at 639 Hornby Street (between Georgia Street and Dunsmuir Street) in Downtown Vancouver. We are a little hard to find as our entrance is in a courtyard. Look for the sandwich board on Hornby Street and climb the short stairway.
A wheelchair accessible path is also located between Christ Church Cathedral and Cathedral Place on Georgia Street. This takes you through the courtyard and to the Gallery entrance.
Purchase your tickets in advance and enjoy the exhibition (on view from February 7, 2024 – May 19, 2024).
Exhibition Supporters